Thursday, August 2, 2012

4 people needed for free Nutritional Therapy ?

I am at the end of a Holistic Nutritional Therapy Diploma and need 4 case studies to complete my qualification. If you are interested in taking part as a case study (first names only used) this is what will happen: Firstly an initial consultation which will determine what you want from Nutritional therapy, what you will achieve, and your suitability for treatment. Measurements will be taken, determining BMI and your weight recorded. A food diary will need to be completed for 7 days which will include when and what you eat and any reactions, such as nervous energy, irritability, insomnia etc. A second appointment will then give recommendations regarding diet and lifestyle advice for future reference. Subsequent appointments to review progress etc, this would mainly occur for weight loss Clients. The idea is to determine dietary choices that are having a negative impact on your life, these choices can effect hair, skin, weight and general wellbeing. So...If you are interested in free Nutritional Therapy, contact me, Cheryl for more details...Hope to see you soon


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