Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Massage courses +

Now being offered - baby massage classes in Birmingham. Learn how to massge your baby in a 5 week course. This baby massage course is given by a trained instructor and has huge benefits for both baby and parent (yes dads can come too!) some of the benefits include: * relieve wind, colic and constipation. * boost self esteem and confidence in parenting * reduce crying * strengthen baby, parent communication Each baby massage session is an hour long and each week you are shown different massage moves to go away and practice with and then work up to giving a full routine. Massage oil is provided or you can bring your own (although baby oil itself is not recommended). You can either pay 5 per session or pay in full and recieve 5 off making the total 20. The courses are offered early earning afternoon or evening. Please contact me if you require any further information or would like to make a booking. Regards Tina 07584 425267


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